Talks and presentations
Communicating my research is an important part of my work. Here are some of the talks and presentations I've given over the years.
August 26, 2019
Talk, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Linz, Austria
Presenting the results of my research on the use of heart rate data for emotion analysis at the DEXA 2019 conference.
December 16, 2016
Talk, Natural Sciences Faculty, Guanajuato State University, Guanajuato, Mexico
With the goal of keeping up with state of the art methods for computational simulation, I prepared and imparted a 15 hrs course on high performance computing with the Julia programming language for the Natural and Exact Sciences Division of the Guanajuato State University. The workshop was given in Spanish.
August 06, 2016
Talk, Nattural Sciences Faculty, Guanajuato State University, Guanajuato, Mexico
In collaboration with the Clubes de Ciencia, I aided in the organization and technical execution of a week-long workshop for high school students. The workshop was focused on the basics of Quantum Computing, and the students were able to program their own quantum algorithms. The workshop was given in Spanish and English.
June 03, 2014
Talk, Engineering Faculty, Guanajuato State University, Salamanca, Mexico
In collaboration with the IEEE Student Branch, I gave a 40 hr Python workshop to students of the Engineering Faculty. The goal of this workshop was to compliment the students’ education with a practical approach to programming. The workshop was given in Spanish.
December 01, 2013
Talk, Municipalities of Guanajuato, México, Guanajuato, Mexico
As part of the Ciencia en Movimiento program, and in collaboration with the Guanajuato Network for Science Communication, I gave talks to elementary school kids with topics like cognitive science, epistemology, and meta-science. The goal was to inspire kids to pursue a career in science, and to show them that science is not only for adults. The talks were given in Spanish.